Classic Doctor Who is on KBTC, the PBS station out of Tacoma. So, here is the KBTC Doctor Who schedule, featuring Tom Baker as the Doctor.
Shout Factory is streaming the 2011 Australian K-9 series on its website and free streaming service. You can watch all twenty-six episodes at
Information about the show, including web editions of some out-of-print Doctor Who novels and new made-for-the-Internet stories, can be found at the BBC's Doctor Who website at
Want to see some of the websites shown or mentioned in the show, or that are otherwise part of the show?
The BBC's website has some made-for-internet stories. A new pre-Ecclesston ninth Doctor, played by Richard E. Grant, appears in the fortieth anniversary story, "Scream of the Shalka" ( The sixth Doctor meets up with the Cybermen in "Real Time" ( The made-for-Internet version of "Shada," featuring Paul McGann as the Doctor, Lalla Ward as Romana, and John Leeson as K-9, is back, and can be found at
The BBC has released this video announcing the episode titles for the next season:
We now have an official release date for the next season of Doctor Who, Ncuti Gatwa's second. It will debut on April 12. As happened last season, it will be released to stream on iPlayer in the UK and Disney+ around the world before it is shown on BBC1, but not quite so early this time. It will now debut at 8:00 am BST, which means midnight on the west coast. So no more Friday evening watching. Here's the latest trailer:
The January 2025 Doctor Who pledge drive for KBTC was another success, easily surpassing the $20,000 goal for the night. Classic Doctor Who on the station is safe for another six months.
Coming soon to blu-ray:
Coming in 2025:
Want to watch the 2024 edition of Doctor Who at the Proms? It's right here!
Oh, hey, we're getting another missing story recreated with animation!
Another new trailer for the Christmas special!
After the success of last year's colorized omnibus edition of "The Daleks", it was inevitable that there would be a follow-up. Well, here's the announcement!
This year, Children in Need raised over £39 million during its BBC telethon. Maybe part of its success was this sneak peek at "Joy to the World", this year's Doctor Who Christmas special:
The Emerald City Androgums usually don't report on news about shows that aren't Doctor Who. But this announcement is important enough that it bears inclusion here:
Well of course there was Doctor Who news at the 2024 edition of Comic Con International inSan Diego. Here, for example, is the first look at the next Christmas special:
The next installment of The Collection has been announced:
The June 2024 Doctor Who pledge drive on KBTC was another success, raising over $27,000 to easily beat the $20,000 goal. Broadcasts of classic Doctor Who in western Washington are safe for another six months.
William Russell, the actor who played companion Ian Chesterton in the first two series of Doctor Who, passed away on June 4, 2024, at the age of 99. He was an in-demand actor in movies, television, and radio for over seventy years. In recent years, he reprised the part of Ian on audio for Big Finish, and appeared in a cameo in the 2013 docudrama about the creation of the show, An Adventure in Space and Time. His appearance as Ian in a cameo in Jodie Whittaker's final story, "The Power of the Doctor", set a new world record for the longest time between appearances on camera for a character played by the same actor.
KBTC is now streaming live online! If you live in the viewing area, but can't get the station over the air or via your local provider, go to, and you can then watch the channel!
With PBS recently turning fifty, CBS Sunday Morning did a profile. You may recognize some of the people seen during a fundraiser about ninety seconds in. Here's the link to the piece.
A lost Doctor Who episode is back—but it wasn't found. Students and staff at the University of Central Lancashire recreated the 1965 episode, "Mission to the Unknown", a Doctor-less episode that served as a teaser for "The Daleks' Masterplan" (and a way to fill out the recording block when they ran an episode short, without having to pay the regulars more). You can view it here:
The latest news about the new show can be found at Doctor Who News (as you might expect).
The Emerald City Androgums are a fan club devoted to Doctor Who, and to having as much fun as unhumanly possible at our meetings. We meet every other month for an Androgum potluck. Members are encouraged to eat, drink, and be merry, and we watch whatever shows tickle our fancy. We try to include at least one selection of the good Doctor himself.
In addition to semi-regular parties, we also had a newsletter that tried to keep the more isolated-from-fandom members up-to-date on the latest Who happenings and rumors. It also served as a creative forum for any Androgum who felt like writing a story or drawing a picture.
The newsletter is no more, however, and all newsletter activities will soon move on-line. So if you want to contribute something, here's the place to do it!
We can scan art, so if you'd like to help us create an on-line Androgum gallery, please feel free to send the art to us!
And coming soon: Club T-shirts and aprons!
Looking for that perfect Doctor Who item? Want to relive some of the Doctor's greatest adventures or experience some of his new ones? Try these links for new Doctor Who books, videos and DVDs, audio stories, and other merchandise.
Send e-mail comments about the Androgum club via this e-mail link.